Sponsor An Opportunity

At Green Gecko we always have sponsorship opportunities. Some are one off purchases; some are ongoing monthly expenses. Below is a range of our currently unsponsored needs for you and/or your family/club/business/school to consider. We have included the approximate monthly and yearly costs of each proposal where we can. All figures are in US Dollars. We will keep this page updated and if you are interested in sponsoring any of these opportunities please get in  contact with us or use the direct links provided if you have found what you are looking for. Thank you for checking out this page. 

yr 7 to 10 extra classes - a helping hand

Due to all schools closing in 2020 and 2021, all Cambodian students have a lot to catch up on. Though online learning occurred, it was with the WHOLE year cohort, not just your class so asking for one on one help was impossible. Also having to rely on technology, internet and reliable power supplies made online learning extra hard. At Gecko we have decided to concentrate on helping our students access extra classes at their school and providing English classes at Gecko Central.

$15 USD per month | $180 USD per year for each student

If you would like to sponsor or contribute to this opportunity, please click here and make sure you write EXTRA CLASSES in the 'requests' field so we know exactly where you'd like your dollars to go. If you would like more information, please let us know.

library books -  a child who reads will be an adult who thinks

We love the fact that our kids love to read. There are now some great young Khmer authors releasing novels and we also like to update our English section on regular basis. The Geckos are allowed to borrow books from our library to take home and read. 

$10 per month | $120 per year 

If you would like to sponsor or contribute to this opportunity, please click here and make sure you write BOOKS in the 'requests' field so we know exactly where you'd like your dollars to go. If you would like more information, please let us know.

Yr 11 & 12 extra classes - the final years

The National Curriculum requires Year 12 students to sit National Exams at the end of their school year. The exams are very intense and the level of some subjects, such as Maths, is very difficult. Due to the difficult times of school closures in 2020 and 2021, all of our Year 11 and 12 students are spending their afternoons in extra classes just to keep their heads above the water.

Year 11 : $22.50 per month | $270 USD per year for each student

Year 12 : $30 per month | $360 USD per year each student

If you would like to sponsor or contribute to this opportunity, please click here and make sure you write FINAL YEARS in the 'requests' field so we know exactly where you'd like your dollars to go. If you would like more information, please let us know.

laptops for university

Like everywhere in the world, Cambodian tertiary students need a fast, reliable and solid laptop to attend university. 2020 and 2021 saw all of our students move to online learning, and the need became even greater. Even though schools have reopened, many courses are still doing alternate online/face to face classes. To ensure that our students are on an even playing field with other students, we try to buy a laptop that will do the job and last the distance.

Engineering / Architecture / Science : $1400 USD per laptop

Humanities : $1000 USD per laptop

If you would like to sponsor or contribute to this opportunity, please click here and make sure you write LAPTOPS in the 'requests' field so we know exactly where you'd like your dollars to go. If you would like more information, please let us know.

the next sponsorship opportunity

Stay tuned ;)